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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Kidney disease is sever illness which happened due to our carelessness.Kidney treatment is very expensive.Many people are suffering from kidney illness which result in kidney transplant or dialysis.Due to our carelessness our kidneys start affecting and at the end appear with a sever disease.Researched have shown some habbits which lead to kidney’s failure which are explained below.

1. Not emptying your bladder early:
10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Keep a full bladder for a long time is a quick way of causing bladder damage.Urine stays in bladder due to which bacteria and viruses are produce in bladder that are cause of kidney probelm.So, drink a lot of water whole a day and urinate it.Drinking water and urination will help you to clean your bladder.

2. Not drinking enough water:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Main cause of kidney disease is not drinking enough water.Due to which blood become thick and its circulation affect.Blood supply is not possible to kidneys which ultimately causes serious problems.So,take little attention on yourself and drink enough water.

3. Taking too much salt:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Salt which contain sodium also affect kidneys if take in large quantity.
95% sodium in our diet is consumed.This salt causes problems for kidney to work properly. This excess amount of salt causes “edema”. Edema causes high blood pressure and increase kidney problems.Daily salt using amount must be 6g and no to exceed this range. 

4. Not treating common infections:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Common infections which we ignored causes kidney’s problems. People who are suffering from kidney has old history of cold,sore throat like this common infections. In cold, if you have symptoms like blood in urine, swelling, headache, vomiting, poor appetite appear the you should go to doctor to get proper treatment to avoid kidney disease.

5. Eating too much meat:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

People thought that meat is healthy diet.No, doubt but in proper quantity.Large amount of meat increase protein in your body and increase metabolic load on kidneys.Daily protein amount we take must be 0.8kg/per day. This means that a person with 50 kg should consume 40g of protein per day. Meat consumption per day should be limited within 300g.

6. Not eating enough:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

As eating more is dangerous,similarly eating less is also dangerous for our body.This affects to our digestive organs and immune system. So take as much amount of diet to keep you healthy and to avoid from diseases.

7. Painkiller abuse:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

People take painkiller when suffer from any pain.They have no enough knowledge to side affects of painkiller.pain killer if comfort you from one side then also causes problems on other side.Pain killer may affect the blood’s flow.So avoid to take pain killer for little pain and go to doctor before taking any painkiller.Excess use of painkiller can affect your kidneys.

8. Missing your drugs:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys
If you are suffering form diabetes or hypertension and thinking that it will be recover automatically then you are wrong.Go to doctor and take proper dose.You do not know,your little carelessness causes serious problems in which one is kidney problem.

9. Drinking too much alcohol:

10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

Drinking alcohol is harmful in large quantity or in small quantity.But if you drink in large quantity then results in deposition of uric acid in renal tubules and increase risk of kidney problems.

10. Not resting enough:
10 Common Habits That Damage the Kidneys

In the race of life everyone has no time for own self.Hypertension,stress are increasing day by day which causing blood pressure,diabets.Increase in blood pressure causes affect on kidneys.Thus, we have to take time for itself and should establish balance in everything for healthy living.

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