Some Google chrome tools
If you're not using Google Chrome yet...why? Chrome is fast, efficient, and helps you better organize all the websites you frequent into easily accessible folders that live right below the search bar. Because of the heavy integration with Google, you can just type your Google search directly into the search bar (where in other browsers you need to type a URL). Additionally, Chrome enables you to use many of the aforementioned Extensions to power your Gmail/Google Apps, and generally makes browsing the Internet more effective, "savable" and organized in a way that will always suit your needs. Finally, your settings, layout, bookmarks and folders are all preserved and available on any computer (or cellphone/tablet) with the Chrome browser. All you need to do is sign in to your account and everything is back! Here are my favorite Chrome extensions, all of which are searchable in the Chrome Store (some of these are connected to Gmail as well):
•AdBlock/Adblock Plus: If you hate seeing advertisements, enable one or both of these extensions for a little peace of mind.
•Clearly: Clearly makes blog posts, articles and webpages clean and easy to read. You can also save them to Evernote to read anywhere!
•Dashlane: A fantastic tool for saving/generating passwords, credit card information and website logins so you don't need to remember the various ones you create around the web.
•Economist Radio: Love the Economist but don't have the time to read the entire magazine? This extension is great for listening to stories while you work, and lives at the top right of your browser.
•Facebook Disconnect: Simply stops Facebook from tracking the webpages you visit.
•Grammarly Lite: Prevent spelling, grammar and punctuation mistakes when you write emails and post to social media--a great tool for the grammatically challenged.,#.,.
•HelloSign for Gmail: This extension lets you sign, date and add text to attached documents that are sent to you. No longer do you need to print, sign, scan then reattach a document. Now all you need to do is click 'Sign' and add any relevant information and send it right back in a flash.
•KeyRocket for Gmail: This is the best way to learn keyboard shortcuts while you work in Gmail. The tips are helpful and noninvasive.
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